Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Powerpoint is a very resourceful program that allows one to visually present their data in an organized way. However, because there are so many cool tools that you can use to enhance your presentation, a lot of people get carried away and it ends up making their powerpoint worse. Five things that I dislike about powerpoint are: 1. I don't like when people use crazy colors and backgrounds to the point where it overshadows the information they are trying to convey. This happened a lot in high school when we'd make presentations, and people would put more time in choosing the colors and the backgrounds than preparing the information. 2. I do not like it when you can't read the writing on the slide. This bugs me because people don't seem to check to see if the text is visible. 3. However, on the flipside, I don't like it when a powerpoint has no color or photos. I do believe pictures and a nice background enhance the presentation because it captivates the audience and makes it look like you tried. I think there needs to be a good balance between overdoing it and making it look professional and presentable. 4. I do not like it when the words on a certain slide appear on the screen one at a time, accompanied by the annoying swooshing sound. 5. I also don't like it when the speaker only relies on the slides to present their information. I think powerpoint should be used as an aid, but the speaker needs to effectively articulate their presentation with their words.
All of that being said, I do believe powerpoint is a huge tool in helping people communicate and articulate their research, project, or any other source of information. I believe this because it allows the speaker to utilize visual, sound, and video aids within their presentation. It can also serve as a talking guidlines, so they stay organized and so they don't have to remember everything. For the audience, it can be helpful because they can visually see the main points the speaker is presenting. Powerpoints can be utilized in vitually every sector of professions, be it education, business, or the humanities. Educators can present their lessons to students using powerpoint. This is a very common method of aiding teachers.


  1. so true!! lecturers who read off their PPTs just make it seem like I'm wasting my time sitting in class..I could have just read the PPTs at home with a warm mugful of hot chocolate :P

  2. I had almost all of the same Powerpoint annoyances listed on my blog as you presented in yours!

  3. four of the five of your annoyances were on my list too!
