Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Best Tech Tip

Joe Hatch came to talk to our class today. I found his lecture to be very informative and interesting. He touched on a lot of different topics, including clean access and viruses. I really enjoyed his lecture because I learned a lot; I learned more about clean access, and the necessity of a secure, safe network. While I found a lot of his lecture useful, I think the best tip he gave us was to constantly make sure that you erase your history. He told us that this was important because erasing your history, cookies, and cache protect your from potential harm. I found this tip very useful because I never used to do this. I always figured that as long as someone else did not use my computer, than I would be safe. But Hatch told us that people are victims of identity theft, and robbery on a daily business because they do not clear their history. As a result, from now on, I will be more careful and always remember to clear my history because this fast, simple step can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

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